46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416 | Phone: 973-827-9280
46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416
Phone: 973-827-9280
46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416 | Phone: 973-827-9280
46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416
Phone: 973-827-9280
Diana Falica, the Water and Sewer Collector is available from 8:30 to 4:00 Monday through Friday at 46 Main Street, Franklin, NJ 07416. She can be reached by calling 973-827-9280 x 117 and will assist you with water and sewer billing questions.
Brian VanDenBroek, Supervisor of the DPW Division of Water and Sewer can be reached at 973-827-7060. Mr. VanDenBroek can assist you with any questions you have regarding water meters, water/sewer connections or to report a water main leak or sewer line blockage.
Water Rates
0-5,000 gallons = Minimum charge $50.00
Each additional 1,000 gallons = $4.75 per 1,000
Sewer Rates
$167.00 per quarter
The Franklin Borough Water & Sewer Department accepts ONLINE credit card payments using the link below. Credit card payments cannot be accepted for payments made in Borough Hall.
(Quarter 1) Due Date February 1st
Sewer: January-March Water: October-December
(Quarter 2) Due Date May 1st
Sewer: April-June Water: January-March
(Quarter 3) Due Date August 1st
Sewer: July-September Water: April-June
(Quarter 4) Due Date November 1st
Sewer: October-December Water: July-September
Billing & Payments
Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the collector to acknowledge postmarks as payment dates when sending your payment, either via USPS, FEDEX, UPS, through your bank online, etc. Your payments must be received in the collector’s office on or before the 10th of the month in which it is due. The collector is not responsible for any payments lost through the mailing process. If your payment is lost in the mail, you are still responsible for the payment and any interest incurred.
Failure to receive a bill does not exempt you from paying your bills or interest due on any delinquencies. If you feel you have not received your bill, it is your responsibility to check the status of your account. You can check the status of your account online or by calling the collector.
Please note: For the convenience of our customers, a drop-box is located by the front steps of the Municipal Building.
The payment or non-payment of any tax and/or utility bills are the sole responsibility of the property owner, even if a tenant occupies the property.
Having trouble paying your water/sewer bill?
The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills. The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears. To get more information and apply, go to https://www.nj.gov/dca/dhcr/offices/lihwap.shtml or call NJ211.
Family Promise of Sussex County
Utility bill assistance flyer and income limits
2024 Water Quality Report (for the year 2023)
2023 Water Quality Report (for the year 2022)
2022 Water Quality Report (for the year 2021)
2021 Water Quality Report (for the year 2020)
2020 Water Quality Report (for the year 2019)
2019 Water Quality Report (for the year 2018)
Per Ordinance No.7-2008 amended on 6/10/08, all delinquent water bills over 30 days will be subject to termination of water service.
If you have any questions regarding the status of your water bill, please call Diana Falica, Water Collector, at 973-827-9280 x 117
46 Main Street
Franklin, NJ 07416
In case of emergency, dial 911 For non-emergencies, dial (973) 827-7700.
Phone (973) 827-9635
Fax (973) 827-1486