Police Address: 15 Corkhill Road Franklin Borough, NJ 07416    |    Phone: 973-827-7700 or 911 for Emergencies

46 Main Street Franklin, NJ  07416
Phone: 973-827-9280

Body Cameras


The Franklin Borough Police Department has joined law enforcement agencies across the state and deployed body-worn cameras (BWC). The cameras will be used in accordance with the guidelines established by the New Jersey Attorney General. This technology is meant to improve public safety, enhance officer safety, assist with prosecution and case resolution, and further promote professionalism, integrity, and transparency.

BWC's will be mounted to an officer's uniform and will point away from the officer to capture images in the camera's field of vision. In addition, citizens who interact with police officers will be recorded on body camera footage.

Any questions regarding body-worn cameras can be directed to Lt. Nevin Mattessich at nmattessich@franklinpd.org or Capt. Seamus Geddis at sgeddis@franklinpd.org.


Borough of Franklin


15 Corkhill Road
Franklin Borough, NJ 07416

Police Admin / Records



(973) 827-1486

Public Safety

In case of emergency, dial 911 For non-emergencies, dial (973) 827-7700.

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