Police Address: 15 Corkhill Road Franklin Borough, NJ 07416 | Phone: 973-827-7700 or 911 for Emergencies
46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416
Phone: 973-827-9280
Police Address: 15 Corkhill Road Franklin Borough, NJ 07416 | Phone: 973-827-7700 or 911 for Emergencies
46 Main Street Franklin, NJ 07416
Phone: 973-827-9280
If you need a copy of a crash report you may obtain a copy from our Records Unit. Reports are usually completed seven (7) to ten (10) days after the date of the crash. Please call our Records Unit at (973) 827-9635 before you respond to headquarters to confirm that your report is complete. There is a charge for the crash report.
You may also access your crash report via the internet. Please visit www.crashdocs.org and note there is also a charge for this service. While accessing the website simply enter your last name, date of the crash, and the incident report number.
The New Jersey State Police Applicant Live Scan Fingerprinting Vendor (IDEMIA, formerly MorphoTrust USA) has transitioned to a new enrollment system and website for scheduling noncriminal justice fingerprint based criminal history background checks. No applicants are required to report to police headquarters for any IdentoGo documents and should be directed to IDEMIA’s new website at http://uenroll.identogo.com.
Franklin Borough ORI: NJ0190600
Service Codes:
Contributor's Case Number:
To obtain a copy of a report whether motor vehicle accident or incident you must call (973) 827-9635 and make a request and to see if available. Please note that necessary redaction will be made before releasing. If the records requested involve a juvenile, they will be obtained from the Family Division of Superior Court, if the records are criminal they must be obtained from the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office. Please note that no medical records/calls will be released.
To request discovery, you must contact the Municipal Prosecutor at:
Address: 46 Main Street, Franklin NJ 07416
Phone: (973) 827-9280 ext. 107 or 108
Fax: (973) 827-0921
Email: franklincourt@franklinborough.org
That request will be forwarded to the Police Records Unit, prepared and mailed pending payment.
15 Corkhill Road
Franklin Borough, NJ 07416
(973) 827-1486
In case of emergency, dial 911 For non-emergencies, dial (973) 827-7700.